Saturday, 20 October 2012

Why The Reality App -- Is Romney Really Lying??

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All politicians lie — and so does just about everyone else. But some much more than others.
The Reality App, addresses the large-scale distortion of reality that has been building up for 30 or 40 years. This has been carried out systematically, and Romney is taking full advantage. I'm not concerned with the little stuff. The following is part of the alternate reality debunked by The Reality App:
  1. Obama lost 5 million jobs before he gained 5 million. No.
    • This pretends he's responsible for jobs lost from the day he took office. That's crazy, since Bush handed him losses running at 10 million a year. (Romney does not count this own job losses this way.)
    • Democrats have created more jobs (2.6 times more on average) every time they've held the White House for over 80 years.
    • Obama even beat Reagon on job creation.
  2. Social Security is bankrupt. No.
    • It's got the biggest Trust Fund it's ever had. Under Reagan it ran out completely twice. No one missed a pay check, and it was easily fixed.
    • Ryan and the Republicans invent this scare for political reasons.
  3. The debt is all Democratic and mostly Obama's. No.
    • Bush set the record with his last budget and Obama has been bring it down.
    • In fact, if Reagan and the Bushes had balanced their budgets, we would have $12.5 trillion less debt. The national debt is mainly Republican.
  4. Obama's a socialist. No.
    • The stock market is the best indicator of business confidence (listen to their money not their words). It's done 2.5 times better under Obama than under Reagan.
    • Would business gain confidence much faster (or at all) under a socialist than under Reagon? Of course not.
But you know the general outline. The App just helps you prove it, and gives you jaw dropping specifics. If you have a mobile device, get the App and help stop the lies before it's too late.

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