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But what is a credit score? One way to describe it is financial gossip. Companies share information about you amongst each other. Information like how much you owe them and if you pay on time or late. They then use this information to decide how much interest to charge you. The higher the interest rate the more money they make, especially if you are a good credit risk but your score doesn’t reflect it.'
As with a lot of gossip, the information that goes into your credit score can be flat-out wrong!
According to the US Public Interest Research Group, 79% of credit reports contain errors. Whether they are your fault or because someone else made a mistake doesn't matter. These errors cause serious harm to your credit rating, and can cost you thousands of dollars due to higher fees on car loans, home loans, or other credit lines. They can prevent you from getting a new car, owning your own home, or even getting a good credit card with reward offers.
So who benefits from your bad credit? No surprise—it's the banks and mortgage companies. They earn millions every year off people who pay extra for loans and interest because they don't know their credit score or how to fix it.
Does your credit report contain erroneous information – if you’re like most Americans you probably just don’t know. Many people who do have unfortunate “dings” to their credit don’t even know about them, or know that there are easy and legal ways to fix many of them.
For example, say you did pay a bill late. People have often heard that “bad marks” stay on your credit card for 7 years and they resign themselves to living with a poor score. But you don’t have to.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) actually says that the longest an item can only stay on your credit report for is 7 years. It’s a time limit; NOT a requirement. This law is actually designed to protect you, but because credit bureaus are private companies that operate for-profit and are in the business of buying and selling financial gossip about you, they aren't quick to clean up your record for you.
Fortunately, there is a great solution.
One of the quickest and easiest ways to learn about your credit and fix any problems is through The Credit Solution Program. The site was founded by Mike Roberts, who calculated he was at one time losing thousands of dollars a year due to his credit rating. But rather than just passively accept his fate, he educated himself on personal finances and discovered how anyone can improve their credit score.
And right now, The Credit Solution Program is giving away free starter kits that include access to a series of short videos that teach you the tricks banks and mortgage companies don't want you to know. These smart, easy-to-understand lessons come from a team of experts, but they aren't a bunch of suits talking down to you. This is a group of everyday people trying to help others improve their lives by raising their credit scores and taking control of their personal finances.
Knowing the basics about your credit score prevents people from taking advantage of you and saving thousands of dollars. With The Credit Solution Program, you not only learn the simple tricks to get items removed from your credit report, but also have an organized plan for improving your finances as a whole.
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