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Who am I? In my heyday, I was the fourth largest city in the country? Fifty years ago, I had the highest per capita income in the country. Unemployment used to be rare, now unemployment is rampant. My infrastructure is rotting and not being replaced. Cross a bridge on a public road at your own risk and the chances are one in two that you will not be able to read the sign warning you that the bridge has indeed collapsed due to neglect.
Who am I? Am I speaking about Calcutta, Bangkok, Johannesburg, Mexico City, a remote province in China or some barren stretch of land in Yemen? No, I am talking about Detroit, Michigan.
Fall From Grace
Detroit is the proverbial canary in the coal mine. It is a glimpse of America’s future if we let Agenda 21 fully take over our cities. It is a portent of things to come if we ever accept Cap and Trade legislation.
At the height of Detroit’s success as a city. the city was a representation of the American middle class. It was the greatest manufacturing city ever seen on the planet. Detroit made cars that were the envy of the planet. Today, Detroit is mocked and ridiculed. If you want to know what the future of America is going to be like, just look at the city of Detroit. Once upon a time it was a symbol of everything that America was doing right, but today it has been transformed into a miniature third-world country which rivals any hell-hole on the planet.
Almost 30% of Detroit’s 140 square miles are either vacant or deserted. Detroit used to be the fourth-largest city in the US, with a population of nearly 2 million people. Today, Detroit has less than 700,000 residents. There are more than 33,500 vacant houses and over 90,000 vacant lots in Detroit. The city government is razing entire city blocks of business buildings and residential homes. If you are the only one left on your block, you are forced to move and if you are lucky you will receive $10,000 for your home.
The median price of a home in Detroit is only $9,000! In some areas in Detroit, you can buy a house for just $100. There are approximately 85,000 streetlights in Detroit, but copper thieves have stripped so much wiring out that many of the lights are not working. The Mayor of Detroit has announced that he will reduce the number of streetlights to almost half the existing total down to 46,000.

Today, sixty percent of Detroit’s children live in poverty, when less than 45 years ago, Detroit boasted the highest per capita income in the United States. Today, Detroit does not have one chain supermarket left in the city.
In 2009, more than 30% of Detroit school children did not graduate from high school. Forty seven percent of Detroit’s residents are functionally illiterate. Detroit has closed 16 schools. And the kids who do manage to graduate, are barely better off than the ones who do.
It has one of the highest murder rates in the country. Its infrastructure has been gutted. Real unemployment may be as high 20% in some parts of the city. This is a real bad city to not be able to find a cop; and with the new cutbacks, it is really hard to find a cop because most police stations in Detroit now only open to the public for 8 hours per day. So, if you have to defend yourself, you better be prepared to get through the night on your own. You can call the police on your Obama phone, but you better only call between 8am and 5pm. Just how dangerous is it? Justifiable homicide in Detroit rose by an amazing 79% during 2011.
Who Bankrupted Detroit?
The globalists defeated Detroit through the various free trade agreements. Through NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA, American auto manufacturing were free to ship their factories overseas in search of near slave labor markets. The passage of these free trade agreements made it possible to hire foreign slave laborers and without the now prohibited tariffs on imports, the globalist-controlled corporations could ship slave labor manufactured products back into the United States. Our government failed to protect manufacturers, and the net effect is that we are beginning to see third-world conditions inside the United States in cities such as Detroit . . . and it is spreading like wildfire. Since the 1970s, America has lost 86% of its manufacturing jobs. Actually the Globalists have been trying to get rid of American tariffs for 100 years in the name of free trade. Look up the Payne-Aldrich Tariff; it is part of our history. A year later, we got the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and then real fun began in earnest.
No Tariffs, No American Prosperity
Tariffs used to pay our national debt. No longer, we replaced tariffs with the Income Tax Amendment. If you are reading this historical facts for the first time, you have to be getting angry. And who could blame you for getting angry? You and I should not be paying income tax -- tariffs should be paying for the national debt. We are paying income tax because the globalists wanted free trade and it is our “duty to pay” so they can maximize their profits. Oh, and by the way, the third leg of this scheme was to introduce fiat currency where bankers could invent money out of thin air which caused our money to now be worth less than 4 cents for what used to be a dollar.
Now, back to Detroit which helps us understand where we are headed. You may not live in an area of the country in which the jobs are headed overseas. However, you have been targeted for de-industrialization. If you ever let Agenda 21 get a grip on your city, the result will be like Detroit and will result in abject poverty as a result of green zones, Wildlands, promises of Smart Growth, saving the planet from global warming and economic growth inhibitors, etc. By the way, the globalists have the guts to build a $25 million light rail in Detroit, right in the middle of this rotting corpse.
Now that you know the truth, what are you going to do about it, because Detroit’s situation is our future unless we can change the direction we are headed? I would urge you to become familiar with the phrase: all politics is local. We have indeed lost the presidency and we have lost the Congress. However, we can effect some change at the local governmental levels by helping to keep Agenda 21 away from most of our cities. Roll up your sleeves, go to city council meetings and listen for phrases like NGOs, Smart Growth, Planning Areas, Public Private Partnerships in relation to your local utilities. Be vocal, call out your public officials for forsaking their oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Time is very short . . . act as if your life depends on it, because it does.
Dave is an award winning psychology, statistics and research professor, a college basketball coach, a mental health counselor, a political activist and writer who has published dozens of editorials and articles in several publications such as Freedoms Phoenix, News With Views and The Arizona Republic.
Read More : activistpost
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